This website is committed to respecting your privacy. We want to be transparent about how we collect and use your information, particularly when you interact with our voting feature.
We do not use cookies. And we do not track users across different websites.
We use your IP address to verify and validate voting submissions on our platform and allow any internet user to inspect voting data.
We use the IP address together with Geo IP data as supportive evidence for validating the rough geographic location of the user.
Your IP address will be retained only for as long as necessary to administer and safeguard the voting feature. After this period, your information will be deleted from our systems.
All voting data will be shared publicly to allow for independent verification and analysis of the results.
By using the voting functionality on our website, you agree to this privacy policy and the collection of your IP address.
As there is no user registration, revoking consent requires prooving that you are either the owner of an IP address or prooving that you were assigned an IP address by a third party at the time of voting. Otherwise we cannot verify whether you are the same person as the one whose vote you intend to revoke.
If you have any questions or concerns, please contact us at